Top 10 Ways to Jumpstart Your Job Search in 2014 – Plus, A Special Announcement!

by Neely on January 13, 2014

recite-3995--2014992177-dvmjlfToday, I am pleased to bring you another guest post from Lindsay at Turning 30 Coach. Plus, there is a special announcement at the end of the post. Enjoy!

It’s the New Year and optimism is in the air! Now that the holidays have passed, it’s time to jump start your job search in 2014!

Check out these 10 ways to get started…

1. Think outside of the box for networking opportunities

Re-evaluate your current networking strategies. What’s been working for you? What are other ways to build meaningful connections? I encourage you to think outside of the box. For example, you may consider networking through Meetup groups or at local conferences.

2. Have a second set of eyes critique your resume 

This may seem like a no-brainer, but many people don’t take the opportunity to have a resume critique because they think that they can do it themselves. When you have a second set of eyes review your resume, it’s an opportunity for them to look for ways to improve your design, make suggestions to improve your writing style, review your summary of qualifications, catch any grammatical errors, and ensure that your career objective is clearly written.

3, Find someone to hold you accountable

When job searching, it’s common to get distracted and discouraged especially if you feel like you’re alone in the process. Consider reaching out to a coach or job search club to find someone that will hold an objective point of view and can serve as your accountability partner. To help you stay on track, set daily, weekly, and monthly goals. Provide regular updates to your accountability partner.

4. Treat your job search as if you’re being paid

Do you find that you put more effort into a task if you’re being paid to do it? Money is a common motivator to perform quality work. In the case of your job search, shift your perspective so that you approach it as if you’re being paid to do it. You will most likely notice that your level of focus and motivation increases.

5. Make a to-do list for daily, weekly, and monthly goals

At the beginning of each month, spend some time thinking about what you want to accomplish in the next 30 days. In order to reach these monthly goals, determine what you will need to accomplish on a weekly basis and then daily basis. Keeping a list will help you stay on track. It also feels really good to check off items that you’ve accomplished!

6. Consider contacting temporary employment agencies to get your foot in the door

Temporary employment agencies often have contacts with hundreds of employers throughout the community. If you’re given the opportunity to take a temporary job, this is a great way to get your foot in the door. Even if it doesn’t lead to a permanent position, it is an opportunity to network, earn some extra money, and boost the skills on your resume.

7. Conduct informational interviews

An informational interview is an opportunity to connect with someone working in your ideal field to find out more about your career options and to expand your understanding of the field.  During the interview, it is common to ask questions about the field, their position, and whether they know of any referrals to help with your job search. An informational interview is a fantastic way to expand your professional network.

8. Work towards becoming an expert in your field

What can you do to gain more knowledge in your field? You may consider subscribing to a professional journal, seeking an advanced certification, volunteering, or attending professional workshops.

9. Be open to all opportunities

Be careful not to turn down opportunities before you know all of the details. For example, a position might be advertised at a certain amount of pay. However, your employer might be willing to offer a much higher salary once they see your work performance.

10. Be your own cheerleader

How can you serve as your own cheerleader during the job search process? Whether it’s finding inspirational quotes or writing small notes of encouragement, treat yourself as good as you would treat your best friend if they were job searching.

Splash Resumes has partnered with Lindsay Laughnan, Certified Professional Coach to offer a 2014 Resume Design & Coaching Jumpstart! This is a special package being offered for a limited time. For all of the juicy details, click here.


Lindsay_Bio PicAs the founder of Turning 30 Coach, Lindsay specializes in working with women in their 20’s and 30’s. She runs a fun and supportive online community exclusively for 20 and 30-somethings who want to figure it all out and fall in love with their lives. Lindsay enthusiastically helps her clients take their lives from searching to satisfied. Besides being passionate about coaching, Lindsay loves blogging, experimenting with green smoothie recipes, practicing yoga, exploring hiking trails, and purple nail polish.


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Thanks for visiting! My blog is a resource guide for educational and informational purposes. I use my experiences, experiences of others and various resources to write my articles. But, my advice doesn’t come with any guarantees. You’re cool with that, right? Thanks again!

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Nellie @ Brooklyn Active Mama January 18, 2014 at 5:38 pm

Great tips!! I especially like the tip about checking out the details of every opportunity. It may not look good in the beginning but it can certainly work out anyway! Visiting from Sharefest 🙂


Neely January 19, 2014 at 10:59 pm

Hi Nellie!

Our names are so similar, I almost wrote my own. 🙂

Lindsay is a great coach and she has great advice! The new year is a great time to check out new opportunities. I visited your blog and it’s very inspirational!!!!

Enjoy your weekend!

PS: Thanks for the tweet. 🙂


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